Places With The Best Electricity Supply In Nigeria

Although, electricity supply is not top notch in Nigeria, there are still some places with exceptional supply. These are the top places in Nigeria with the best electricity access. They are known to enjoy between 22 to 24 hours nonstop access to energy. Feel free to visit any of these places whenever you want. Ahmadiyya, … Continue reading “Places With The Best Electricity Supply In Nigeria”

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German Wind Power Beats Hard Coal, Nuclear Power for First Time

The Fraunhofer ISE institute reported that this year, the power generated by onshore and offshore wind in Germany surpassed the electricity output from hard coal and nuclear plants for the first time. According to Bruno Burger, a professor at Fraunhofer ISE based in Freiburg, German coal plant operators reduced production from hard coal plants in … Continue reading “German Wind Power Beats Hard Coal, Nuclear Power for First Time”

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Our Action Plan

The Problem It is a well known fact that about 1.3 billion people are forced to live their lives in energy poverty across the globe. That is 17% of the global population living in the dark. This means that these people lack access to basic energy services. Access to energy, means access to education, communication, … Continue reading “Our Action Plan”

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